A worldwide demand for quality handmade leather sofas inspired family-owned Distinctive Chesterfields
HDTWO are incredibly accommodating and friendly, always making the time to fulfill our requests to the highest of standards. There has been a number of occasions where we’ve requested last-minute shoots and productions, and they have always managed to accommodate the team. They are extremely professional and knowledgeable, with amazing facilities. They have been instrumental in the improvement of our site and social media channels.
Elle Grocott - Marketing Manager
Like each and every one of their sofas, it took time and hard work for Distinctive Chesterfields to get to where it is today. Built on strong family values, the company started life as a modest-sized team. With dedicated husband and wife duo Steve and Clare Laidlaw at the helm, the brand expanded to offer worldwide customers luxurious handcrafted furniture that’s built to last.
HDTWO Limited,
Unit 3, Queens Mill Ind Est,
Old Fieldhouse Lane, Huddersfield,
West Yorkshire, UK, HD2 1AG.
Telephone: 01484 431555